Setting the Foundation

Today, I started creating this blog, which is supposed to become a Reflective Journal, and it will be used for keeping track of my progress in the online Graphic Design course at Noroff.
I have used WordPress a little bit before, but never on a daily basis. So I was familiar with the look of the WordPress editor.

The first step was choosing a title for the blog. I thought of a few names and ended up choosing The Artistic Journey of Guro W. Gjære • A reflective journal

Next up, I wanted the blog to look nice, and tried on a couple of different themes. I ended up using the Hexa theme by Automattic. I played around with changing the colors and fonts, and decided to keep the original theme colors for now.

Then there was content. As this place is meant to function as a blog, I wanted to keep that as the main focus. Later, I can add secondary pages for special projects, or maybe a gallery page and about page.

I also included links to some of my Social Media pages. These can be found by clicking the heart icon next to the hamburger menu (A “hamburger menu” is the 3 lines which indicates a website’s menu).